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Webinar Series: Assessing & Addressing the Social Determinants of Health during COVID-19

In the wake of COVID-19, many community health centers are adjusting to how they assess and address patient and population level social determinants of health (SDOH) through individual, organizational, and system-level enablers. To achieve health equity, we need cross-sector alignment and partnership with other health care, public health, and social services agencies around a common purpose, shared data, sustainable financing, and strong governance models.

This webinar series, hosted by NACHC and the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO), shares an overview, relevant updates, and promising practices on how community health centers are leveraging resources, including their workforce, technology, and external partners to assess and address their patients’ SDOH needs. Moreover, health centers are using the SDOH data to develop new and/or stronger collaborations with community partners to provide social interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic. By doing so, health centers and their cross-sector partners can pivot to meet the changing needs of populations most at-risk for poor health outcomes and advocate for policy changes that influence upstream factors that perpetuate health disparities.

Webinar Series Playlist (Youtube)

Check out individual webinars:

Acknowledgement: Support for this webinar series was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation. For more information about the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, please visit www.rwjf.org.

© 2020-. National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations. PRAPARE and its resources are proprietary information of NACHC and its partners, intended for use by NACHC, its partners, and authorized recipients. Do not publish, copy, or distribute this information in part or whole without written consent from NACHC.

Table of Contents