NACHC SDOH Team’s Year in Review: Advancing Health Equity in 2023 and Beyond


As we bid farewell to 2023, the SDOH Team at NACHC pauses to reflect on a transformative year. Throughout 2023, we spearheaded various initiatives with a dedicated focus on amplifying voices and addressing disparities, all while actively working towards expanding our reach.

The year kicked off for the SDOH team with the orchestration of regional listening sessions, providing a dedicated space for health centers to share their approaches to leveraging SDOH data and community voices. The primary goal of these sessions was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how health centers nationwide actively address structural racism and discrimination within their communities.

Building upon the valuable insights garnered from these listening sessions, we subsequently organized two dynamic in-person workshops under the banner of “Exploring Health Center Pathways to Health Equity.” These workshops intricately explored the landscape of structural racism within the healthcare system. Discussions within the sessions delved into the complex interplay of identity, power, and privilege—fundamental dynamics crucial for establishing an inclusive and equitable healthcare environment.

A central theme emerged from our listening sessions and workshops—the critical importance of integrating the community voice. Participants emphasized that true health equity can only be achieved when the community’s perspective is central to the strategies employed by health centers.   

As a continuation of our efforts, the SDOH team will be launching a health equity learning collaborative in 2024 to continue to explore how health centers are leveraging data and partnerships to advance health equity.  The application period will close on January 26th 2024. Application

PRAPARE® remains a cornerstone of our portfolio, and our commitment to expanding our reach extends to providing comprehensive training and technical assistance, to actively demonstrate how health centers can harness social drivers of health (SDOH) data, embrace patient and community perspectives, and cultivate community partnerships to propel health equity forward.

In the transformative year of 2023, the PRAPARE® Tiger Team successfully concluded its efforts, setting the stage for exciting developments in 2024. The pilot for PRAPARE® 2.0 wrapped up earlier this year, marking a significant milestone. We are thrilled to announce the soft launch of PRAPARE® 2.0 in 2024.Stay tuned for updates as we unveil and roll out PRAPARE® 2.0, ensuring its continued role as a valuable and evolving resource for health centers.

Interested in a training or technical assistance workshop or have questions on PRAPARE®- email

As we celebrate the milestones of 2023, we eagerly look forward to the opportunities and challenges that 2024 will bring. Together, we will continue to champion health equity, one initiative at a time. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey!