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For health centers and other stakeholders to possess the necessary data, evidence, and tools to uphold and enhance health equity across patients, communities, and systems.


To advance health equity by addressing social drivers of health (SDOH) through the widespread adoption and utilization of PRAPARE® by health centers, community-based organizations, and other stakeholders.




PRAPARE® Collaboration Begins

The National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. (NACHC), Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO), and Oregon Primary Care Association (OPCA) collaborated to develop, test, and spread a national, standardized, patient-centered social determinant of health (SDOH) assessment tool and companion Implementation and Action Toolkit known as PRAPARE® (The Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and Experiences).



PRAPARE® Tool Developed

PRAPARE® team focused on development of SDOH domains, selection criteria, and paper tool. This involved designing PRAPARE®  and planning for stakeholder-engaged testing.  There was alignment with Healthy People 2020, ICD-10, Meaningful Use Stage 3, etc. The criteria included burden of data collection, actionability, and sensitivity. All of this was driven by the experience of existing protocols, stakeholder feedback, and literature reviews. In the end, PRAPARE® identified 15 core social determinants of health domains.



PRAPARE® Piloted in EHRs

PRAPARE® implementation pilots begin in select electronic health record (EHR) systems to explore data utility. The pilot EHRs include: eClinicalWork, Epic, GE Centricity, and NextGen



PRAPARE® Implementation & Action Toolkit Developed

PRAPARE® Implementation and Action Toolkit is developed to support spread and scale of SDOH screening and assessment efforts



PRAPARE® Train the Trainer Academy & PRAPARE® Innovation

PRAPARE® launches its first ever PRAPARE® Train the Trainer Academy to support the rising demand for training on PRAPARE® implementation and use.  The PRAPARE® Train the Trainer Academy is designed to build the capacity of health center member organizations (whether state Primary Care Associations and/or Health Center Controlled Networks) to support their own health center members in PRAPARE® implementation and using that data to accelerate care transformation, community investment, and policy, payment, and delivery system changes.


Engagement Awards

PRAPARE® Innovation and Engagement Awards – Round 1 were launched. During the award periods, the PRAPARE® team worked with the awardees to learn from their unique uses of PRAPARE® SDOH data, including innovative models, replicable strategies, and lessons learned that were packaged into case studies and disseminated nationally.



PRAPARE® Continues to Scale

PRAPARE® Train the Trainer Academy Round 2 launches to ensure continuously support new states and effectively promote shared learning across the country.


PRAPARE® Innovation and Engagement Awards Round 2

PRAPARE® Innovation and Engagement Awards – Round 2 were launched.



PRAPARE® Makes Headlines

U.S. News & World Report highlighted how health centers are using PRAPARE® to improve patient and community health in an article titled “Screening for Social Problems”.


Social Media Ready

Launched a PRAPARE® Twitter (@PRAPARE_SDOH) account to ensure communication and dissemination of key resources


PRAPARE® Utilized During the Opioid Epidemic Focusing on the Pediatric and Adolescent Population

Public News Service wrote an article and produced a podcast that featured a health center in Ohio (Compass Community Health) and their use of PRAPARE® in addressing the needs of their complex patients in the midst of the opioid epidemic and their focus working with their pediatric and adolescent populations.


Medicaid Announces PRAPARE® is the Most Commonly Used Across the Country

PRAPARE® is the most commonly used social needs screening tool by Medicaid managed care organizations across the country according to the 2019 Annual Medicaid Managed Care Survey.


JAMA Study References PRAPARE® as a Reason for Improved Social Determinant Screening in Health Centers Over Hospitals.

A JAMA study looking at provider screening for social determinants found that health centers were more likely than hospitals and other providers to screen for social needs, and that PRAPARE® is likely one reason why.



First Published Peer Reviewed Article

PRAPARE®’s first peer review article published “Collecting Social Determinants of Health Data in the Clinical Setting: Findings from National PRAPARE® Implementation”. The PRAPARE® team worked with health centers and academic partners to analyze outcomes data of patients with varying numbers of socioeconomic needs.


PRAPARE® Team supports the field during COVID-19

According to 2020 UDS Data, PRAPARE® was the most widely-used standardized social risk screening tool among health centers during COVID-19. Throughout the pandemic, the PRAPARE® team engaged users in listening sessions and written calls for information to better understand how health centers and their stakeholders have used PRAPARE® during COVID-19 to assess and address growing social needs. This led to the development of publications, webinars and training and technical assistance opportunities designed to support the field as they continue to respond to patient and community needs. Resources are available in our Knowledge and Resource Center.



Launches Inaugural innovative solutions related to SDOH needs

PRAPARE® team launches its inaugural “Building Cross-Sector Partnerships to Address SDOH: Design Sprints” to unearth and rapidly test innovative solutions related to SDOH needs in local communities across the United States.



Launched the New PRAPARE® Website

The PRAPARE® team launched to enhance learning opportunities for, and engagement with, PRAPARE® users, their community partners, and their stakeholders. With a robust knowledge and resource center, a library of real-world examples, and a plethora of opportunities to connect with the PRAPARE® team and fellow users, will enable health centers, community-based organizations, and others to address SDOH more effectively and work upstream to improve health equity.


Adopted “Social Drivers of Health“ in Place of “Social Determinants of Health“

The National PRAPARE® Team adopted the terminology “social drivers of health” in lieu of “social determinants of health”, as this more accurately describes the ability for policy-makers, communities, and individuals to affect change on the factors negatively impacting health and well-being. Learn more about why we choose to use “social drivers.” 

The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) was formed to create a national voice to advocate for the unique and diverse health needs of Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaian (NH)/ Pacific Islander (PI) communities and the community health providers that serve their needs.

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) was founded in 1971 to promote efficient, high quality, comprehensive health care that is accessible, culturally and linguistically competent, community directed, and patient centered for all.

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